Earlier this year we conducted an energy audit for a metal casting manufacture in Indiana. We helped the local manufacture save over $181,000! We conducted an energy audit thoroughly by taking a look at every piece of equipment. In the picture you can see the recommendations that were implemented as they are highlight in green.
Some of the recommendations had a cost associated with implementing them. Surprisingly one of the recommendations that had a cost as little as $900 turned out to save the company $18,500. After analyzing and inspecting the manufactures current insulation, we noticed that by thickening the insulation it would pay off big in savings. Another recommendation we made, which is something simple that other companies can implement as well is searching for leaks in air lines and gas lines. We saved the company $35,000 by just inspecting their current lines throughout their building. Some of the suggestions we recommended had a significant amount of savings for the manufacture.
Companies lose on average 2 percent to 5 percent in heating cost because of improper insulation and thickness of it. By changing the current insulation to a thicker base you can reduce energy losses anywhere between 10 percent to 25 percent This is a good time to inspect your current insulation because winter is the time heat escapes the most. Save energy this year and reduce your bill cost. Here at the IAC we inspect insulation and other materials at no cost in order to reduce cost for your manufacturing facility. You can check out this energy assessment and view more of the recommendations we made and sign up for free assessment as well!