Benchmarking tool development for commercial buildings energy consumption using machine learning

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Benchmarking tool development for commercial buildings energy consumption using machine learning

Primary researcher: Paniz Hosseini, MSME

This research investigates approaches to classify and anticipate the energy consumption of commercial office buildings using external and performance benchmarking to reduce the energy consumption. External benchmarking in the context of building energy consumption considers the influence of climate zones that significantly impact a building’s energy needs. Performance benchmarking recognizes that different types of commercial buildings have distinct energy consumption patterns. Benchmarks are established separately for each building type to provide relevant comparisons.

We have successfully developed a tool that predicts the energy consumption of office buildings with an impressive accuracy of 99.54%. Our investigation shows that temperature, humidity, solar radiation, wind speed, and the building’s size have varying impacts on energy use. Wind speed is the least influential component for low-rise buildings but can have a more substantial effect on high-rise structures.